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After 18 months in Prison for Murder, Controversial Queen Zee Now Tells South Sudan Ladies to Bleach


Queen Zee tells ladies that light skin is more beautiful than black skin

By Juba Pulse

Young South Sudanese female singer Zahra Angelo popularly known as Queen Zee spent 18 months in prison and was released in 2016 for allegedly taking part in an incident which resulted in the murder of Mustafa Acuil Tito, a police officer, in Juba.

The ‘First Lady’ singer and other ten suspects accused of the same murder case were released from prison yesterday after the court proved that they were innocent.

After she was released from prison she has gone on to release several tracks and performed at various concerts in Khartoum, Egypt, Kampala and many other places. The murder charge is not the only controversy she has been involved in. Queen Zee bleached her skin so that she could look light-skin instead of the usual South Sudan black.

Light skin against dark skin

Last year when on a music tour in Khartoum, she asked all ladies to bleach so that they look more beautiful.

Queen argue all South Sudanese ladies around the globe to start bleaching, claiming it’s the only way Junubin girls could get more attention.

She said “I’m here not only to perform and enjoy with you, but to also pass very essential massage to you guys especially the ladies, let no one should discourage you from lighting your skin, because this is the only hope for us, light skin is our center of attractions.”

Which one is more beautiful?

Queen Zee went on to say that her nightmare days are over, because she used to receive names from the Egyptians and Sudanese, back in the days she used to be in her dark chocolate skin.

The dangers of skin bleaching are well documented. They destroy the skin of the user in the long run, and sometimes cause skin cancer. In Rwanda last year, the government shut down shops and companies that sell skin bleaching oils and lotions because they are harmful to the skin.

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